Berna Ak | 6 NovemberSocial Media Marketing Resume
You’ve done everything it takes to be a good social media marketer; you have received the best digital marketing training, you have gained the skills expected in the sector and you are determined...
Berna Ak | 5 NovemberIs A One-Column Resume Or A Two-Column Resume Better?
Resumes and ready-made templates are the saviors of job seekers. It is possible to find many templates for the industry you want on the Internet. Some templates are one-column, while others can be two-column....
Berna Ak | 5 NovemberIs It Ok If I Use Hyperlinks In My Resume?
In job interviews, the CV requested from the individuals is requested in order to have an idea about the person before the interview. It is sufficient to include enough detailed information in the CV...
How to overcome nervousness before a job interview – usefull tips and insights
Hakan Aykol | 2 March
When is the right time to share with a potential employer something like a facial tattoo
Merve Öztürk | 2 March
Interview questions for a senior software developer – what to expect
Berna Ak | 1 March
Get Started
Hakan Aykol | 2 August
CV’de Kullanılacak Örnek Fontlar
Hakan Aykol | 13 August
Ne Zaman Girişimci Olmak Gerekir?