Should I Send Job Recruiters An MS Word Version Of My Resume?

3 November 2022 —

CV is one of the most important factors that will carry you into business life. While the job acceptance rate will increase with a correct and successfully prepared CV, the way the CV is delivered is also very important. So, how to prepare a good CV and in what formats is it delivered?

CV is one of the most important factors that will carry you into business life. While the job acceptance rate will increase with a correct and successfully prepared CV, the way the CV is delivered is also very important. So, how to prepare a good CV and in what formats is it delivered?

How to Make a Good CV?

In order for the CV to be prepared successfully, it must first not exceed 2 pages. In the researches carried out by the experts, it has been determined that more than 90% of the CVs that are more than 2 pages are not examined. However, the average CV review time by employers is 3 minutes.

The fonts used while preparing a CV have important features. Care should be taken not to use either large or small fonts. Among the most preferred fonts when preparing a CV, Arial comes first, followed by Times New Roman. 10 or 12 should be preferred as the font. Other font sizes will be small and large, which may cause the CV to be shelved without review.

In Which Format Should CV Delivery Be Made?

The CV should be prepared on A4 paper and presented to the employer. However, those who will apply online are faced with question marks about which format to send their CV. Both formats are suitable for those who act with the thought of whether the CV should be sent as a word or as a pdf.

The important point here is that people who will send a CV as Word should pay attention to the extension. If you are sending a CV with Word, the file extension should be .doc. Word files sent with this .doc extension will reach the employer without any problem as they are opened in all versions. However, PDF is generally a much safer method now because of Word versions.

The e-mail address used for those who will deliver their CV on the internet is also one of the important details. The e-mail account used for those who will make deliveries in the electronic environment should not contain names and surnames or contain nonsense words. This is one of the biggest mistakes often made. Another thing to be aware of is that you do not use the corporate e-mail address of the place where you are currently working. This is one of those moves that looks very amateurish. Therefore, an e-mail with your name and surname will add value to your CV.

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