
Job Application Via Mail, Email or Online
In general, there are three channels to apply for a job. Preferred application channel is generally mentioned on job advertisement. At past, job applications were being sent only via mail. Due to easiness in the internet age, job applications via e-mail are gradually becoming popular. You add a cover letter, your CV and your diplomas to the e-mail attachment. In developed companies, online job application provides an advantage.
Job application via mail
It is the most inconvenient and most expensive channel to use for job applications. But if you go with it, along with an application folder that you will put your documents inside, you should use high quality paper. At the very least, you better print you job application documents at a copy centre for a better quality. And you will buy an envelope which will cost you 20 or more Dollars in total. Not an expense but an investment in the future dreams!
You must use a fresh print and a folder for every job application and must be addressed specifically to the company you are applying for. . When HR manager understands that the documents were sent to another company, you lose the chance of getting the job.
You are recommended to use a quality display book as a file folder. Ring binders and sheet protectors are not accepted just like flying documents. For example, you can find a proper job application folder at www.hepsiburada.com
As for the paper, 100-gr satin paper is recommended. Your CV will look much better on this quality paper when printed. Additionally, this kind of paper is durable and it has better texture. Thus, it makes a better impression in comparison with traditional copying paper. Instead of printing at home with your own printer, it makes sense to go to a copy center that is professional.
Also we recommend you to convert all your documents into PDF format before you print. Cvlogin automatically converts your CV and attached documents into pdf. You can use a free software to format your cover letter as well. PDF format prevents slipping of information and format. When your CV is not in pdf format, you might not have the best printed version at a copy center due to different versions of other formats.
You should use DIN C4 envelope which has a white backside and a cardboard to send your job application, and to protect what is inside choose a bigger one. Supported dorsal surface provides a protection against bending and twisting. You are recommended to put on a normal stamp to your post. In other words, 1,45-Dolar stamp. Registered or certified mail arouses a feeling of insecurity on the HR manager against the company.
Job application via e-mail
Job application via e-mail is less expensive than job application via mail. You won’t have paper, print and stamp expenses, and you do not need an application folder. You prepare a short cover letter in e-mail, and attach all your documents. Best is PDF format. You can write "Job application as..." to the subject area.
Another way is to write a short greeting text to e-mail itself, and to attach the cover letter to e-mail. A short greeting text can be:
Herein this e-mail I apply for ... position in your job advertisement, and my application documents are attached as PDF file.
Yours sincerely,
You should watch out typos and grammar errors especially on the applications via e-mail. You can easily make an error on the computer. For the job application via e-mail, same style rules are valid just as for the classic job application via mail. Therefore, you must not use abbreviations, smileys etc.
If you do not have, you should create a serious e-mail address. Best e-mail address is [email protected]. E-mail addresses such as [email protected] may make HR manager smile but it does not get an invite for interview!
You should send attachments (cover letter, CV, diplomas) in the PDF format. PDF can be viewed same on all computers. Thus, it would prevent the risk of format failure on different devices due to different MS WORD versions.
Digitalize your diplomas via a high quality scanner. Because sketchy scanned documents are less readable, and they cause a bad impression. You can find more on how to scan your documents and what you should consider in the scanning of the documents on the page CV as a part of job application.
Most companies prefer the documents only in one PDF document to view and print them more easily.
Online application
In online applications, you upload your job application documents into a web page. So they can be accessible permanently. On Cvlogin, you can create an online CV and add several more documents. and can save them under your name, in other words cvlogin.com/name.surname. When applying for a job, you can just write an e-mail to the company and instead of attaching every single document to the email, you can simply give the link of your online CV, cover letter and other documents.
You should keep your information up-to-date on your online CV and other documents. When you apply for a second or third job at different times, this gets even more important.
Online job application is the least used application channel among three application channels. Apply online only if potential employer responds positively. An IT company may prefer online job application. But more traditional company may not respond positively to this type of application.

Наистина ли искате да изтриете съществуващия си CV?
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