Free Downloadable Resume Templates

4 July 2022 —

Having a professional resume is an important factor in getting hired. Human resources or employers try to reach a conclusion about the candidates from the resumes of the candidates who apply for the job. A resume prepared with the right and necessary details is the first step in getting the job.

Having a professional resume is an important factor in getting hired. Human resources or employers try to reach a conclusion about the candidates from the resumes of the candidates who apply for the job. A resume prepared with the right and necessary details is the first step in getting the job.

You can use free downloadable resume templates while preparing a resume.
But which of these templates should we choose?
What structures should we pay attention to?

Choose the right type of resume

Before preparing your resume, you should determine what type of resume you need. In general, we can mention that there are 8 types of resumes. These are functional CV, compound CV, chronological CV, performance CV, target-oriented CV, alternative CV, academic CV and Europass CV.

Functional CV type is a type of CV created with a focus on industry experience. In the functional CV, work experiences are gathered under the fields of expertise. When preparing such a resume, you should prepare your work experiences in reverse chronological order and classify them under appropriate headings. The compound CV type is similar to the functional CV type. The difference is that this type of resume should include short work experience. In this CV, you should explain how you will use your knowledge and experience in the position applied for.

Chronological CV is the most used type. In this resume, you should list all the experiences you have had in reverse chronological order. Performance CV type, on the other hand, is a type that should be preferred by professionals. In this resume, where experience and industry experience are at the forefront, the successes you have achieved in your working life should be at the forefront.

Target-oriented CV type is also a type of resume where talent, experience and skills are at the forefront. The difference from a functional CV is that you must state your career goal exactly here. The alternative CV type is designed for use by people who want to work in the creative industry and the arts. Although it does not have a standard format, it is generally preferred by people who will work in media, design, art, PR, fashion and agencies.

Academic CV, on the other hand, is a type of CV used by instructors, academics and research assistants at universities. Building projects, lectures, collaborations and other academic studies are important in this CV. The Europass CV type, on the other hand, is a type that should be used by people who want to apply for a job or school in Europe. Past experiences and skills draw attention here.

Things to know about resume templates

Free downloadable resume templates are easily available. Once we’ve decided what type of resume we’re going to create, we need to decide on the template. At this decision stage, it is important which career goal we have and which company we will forward our resume to.

In the ‘about’ section of your resume, you should provide short and clear information about yourself. Not every resume has to include a photo, but we recommend that you do. Many employers approach photo resumes with a warmer vibe. You should also make sure that you fill in your contact information completely. In different templates, the contact section is located in different places. However, it is usually the top part of the resume that is preferred. In the work experience section, you should write as much as possible about your experience in the position you applied for. You should definitely write your hobbies in the Hobbies section, but make sure that this section does not cover a large part of the resume.

Here are resumes with many different industries and templates available for free download:

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Girişimcilerin Yaptığı 5 Hata

Girişimcilerin Yaptığı 5 HataHakan Aykol | 19 August

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